RAGGED EDGE SOLUTIONS (RES) was established as a collaborative for true subject matter experts to build solutions for operational problems. After years of attending mediocre medical training run by "bid to win, hire and fire" contract companies, we aim to disrupt the observed complacency within the training industry by developing the training we wish we had, and the programs our students deserve, at a fair and realistic cost. What began as a small group of Special Operations Medics and Physicians is now the premiere collective for ideas, innovation, and solutions.
RES programs exist to solve operational problems efficiently and effectively. With purpose at their core, each of our programs is carefully constructed to deliver the highest quality education and experience at an exceptional value.

"Culture outperforms strategy every time ; and culture with strategy is unbeatable" ~ Studer

The Foundations course is the FIRST AND ONLY course designed by members of the original Prolonged Field Care Working Group (PFCWG), the Committee on Tactical Combat Casualty Care (CoTCCC), and the Prolonged Casualty Care Working Group (PCC WG) to incorporate annual medical training requirements, Joint Trauma System TCCC/PCC guidelines, and data-driven skill assessments into a standardized and scalable curriculum tailored for FEDERAL, STATE, and DOD. This program meets and exceeds annual training requirements in the most efficient and cost-effective model, with observable outcomes from data-based evidence.
The Foundations course satisfies requirements for TCCC and PCC training of medical and non-medical first responders as established by the CoTCCC and PCC WG outlined in the TCCC/PCC in accordance with (IAW) DoDI 1322.24.
Battlefield Medicine

Special Operations Medicine
DARK+WOODS is the premier team centric medical training course, designed and executed by the pioneers of Prolonged Field Care. With a focus on establishing a standardized baseline of team medical training and capabilities. This program is delivered at the RES Military Education and Research Center (MERC) and builds upon the FOUNDATIONS curriculum with Special Operations Physician Mentors, Specialty SME instructors, and a Tailorable Full Mission Profile Medical Culmination Exercise. This program is designed to accomplish multiple high value objectives while streamlining efficiency and maintaining adaptability for unique SOF unit/team requirements. The program covers TCCC/PFC/PCC critical tasks for both medics and non-medics, Joint Trauma System PFC Clinical Practice Guidelines.
This is the Gold Standard of training for units who are expected to conduct high-risk operations in medically austere environments that must be prepared to provide patient care for extended evacuation times. Individuals may attend this course but training with your team is highly recommended.

Special Operations Emergency Medical Technician
Designed by the world’s leading experts in SOF and Military medicine, the SO+EMT program mitigates risk and fills gaps identified in the medical readiness requirements of Military and Government units. The program prepares non-medical team members to address emergencies, treat critically injured casualties, and enhance survivability by assisting team medical personnel. It provides a foundational education in emergency medicine, clinical assessments and decision-making, and austere critical care skills, focusing on the operational relevance required by modern conflicts.

Austere Emergency Care
Certification Course
The Austere Emergency Care course adapts military prolonged casualty care protocols and best practices to civilian pre-hospital and remote care providers. This course consists of the basic and advanced tracks. They are complementary and can run concurrently, with many common educational objectives and shared scenarios. These courses consist of an online training platform with a pre-and post-test and a 4-day in-person experience.